Willie Sanchez Wholesale


Phone: 213.627.5534            

Fax: 213.627.2702

 Email: wswholesale@aol.com

 Contact: Willie Sanchez

 Stall: 28

 Business Description:

Willie Sanchez Wholesale is a family owned/operated business that was started by Willie Sanchez, Sr. in the mid 1980's and is now operated by his son William and daughter Ivette.  Together they have grown the business into a successful, one-stop shop where customers can expect excellent quality and a diverse variety of flowers.  Our product line includes the usual items such as Carnations, Gladiolus, lilies as well as harder to find items such as lavender, mint, oregano and pods.  We carry a lot of locally grown products as well as imported flowers (Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, Chile) such as Roses, Calla Lilies, Hypericum and Spider Mums.

 Product Description:

Fresh cut flowers